“Many Hands Make Light Work”

"Many hands make light work"

is a medieval English proverb that is more than 700 years old and no less true today than it was all those years ago. But what does it have to do with FACE? That's where you come in! Your participation is deeply needed to be one of the "many hands" that will make FACE's work light.

In 2022, in honor of FACE's 5th birthday in the 5th month of the year, we launched “Many Hands Make Light Work”. This initiative looks to gather 5,000 people to give $5 per month as a sustaining contribution, which will allow FACE to meet the overwhelming demand for our services and continue to go. It is critical in the work we do to have large-scale community buy-in no matter how big or small.

Can we count on you to be one of those many hands? 

Together we can FACE abuse!

Did you know that 30% of the cases reported to FACE contain elements of child abuse? Check out this video on our campaign to help address child abuse in religious schools in the U.S. and Canada.

Send a prayer to a survivor of abuse or the FACE team by putting one or more prayers in your cart and checking out!